Synchronized Multiple Radio Telescope Microwave SETI

TitleSynchronized Multiple Radio Telescope Microwave SETI
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsCrilly, WJ
Conference NameHamSCI Workshop 2020
Date Published03/2020
Conference LocationScranton, PA

Almost all radio SETI experiments conducted to date have used antenna and receiver systems that search for semi‐continuous CW beacons. Amateur radio operators are now conducting a different type of radio SETI experiment that we believe has not yet been tried. We utilize multiple geographically‐spaced, synchronized radio telescopes to simultaneously scan the sky, searching for narrow bandwidth pulses and hypothetical modulated signals, containing information transmitted by extraterrestrial intelligence. We determine if pulses are simultaneously received on the same frequency, at the same time, on two or more of the radio telescopes. The signal detection system eliminates almost all terrestrial and space‐based radio frequency interference. Three radio telescopes currently comprise the system: 60 foot diameter dish near Haswell, Colorado operated by Steve Plock KL7IZW, 40 foot diameter dish at the Green Bank Observatory, West Virginia, operated by Skip Crilly K7ETI, and 26 foot diameter dish in New Hampshire, remotely operated by Skip. We transit scan ‐7.6 degree declination and synchronously receive signals in the range of 1395 to 1455 MHz, in 16 million 3.7 Hz bandwidth channels, using four high speed computers with programmed SDR. Synchronized radio telescope observations have been conducted between late 2017 and December 2019. All raw data from observations is immediately made available upon request to interested students and researchers, to allow searches for interesting signals. Since August 2018, a total of nine anomalous simultaneous pulse events have been observed on pairs of synchronized radio telescopes, from an apparent single celestial pointing direction, at approximately 5.2 hours Right Ascension and ‐7.6 degrees Declination, near Rigel in Orion. A presence of modulated signals at the time of simultaneous pulses is indicated. A noise‐based hypothesis has been refuted to high statistical significance. Satellite tracking experts are helping with distant space RFI hypotheses and analysis of data. Follow‐up observations and system enhancement are underway. This presentation will describe the system, observations, hypothesis development and testing, and future plans. We seek ideas from listeners.

Refereed DesignationNon-Refereed
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