
Export 473 results:
Author Title [ Type(Asc)] Year
Conference Paper
C. Luetzelschwab, Introduction to Space Weather and Propagation, in Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH, 2017.
L. Brandt and MacDonald, E., Into the Ionosphere: Real-Time Aurora Mapping Through Citizen Science (ePoster), in HamSCI Workshop 2020, Scranton, PA, 2020.
N. A. Frissell, Ackermann, J. R., Bern, D., Ceglia, F., Earle, G. D., Erickson, P. J., Gerrard, A. J., Gerzoff, R., Gladstone, P., Gunning, S. W., Huba, J. D., Katz, J. D., Miller, E. S., Moses, M. L., Reyer, S. E., Rose, S. W., Shovkoplyas, A., Silver, H. W., Smith, P., Vega, J. S., West, M. L., and Williams, R., Initial Results of HamSCI Ham Radio 21 August 2017 Eclipse Ionospheric Experiments, in American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, 2018.
V. Androsov and Thompson, R., How Real-Time Scoreboards Change Contesting, in Dayton Hamvention, Xenia, OH, 2019.
J. Galm, History of Case ARC and W8EDU, in HamSCI Workshop 2019, Cleveland, OH, 2019.
N. A. Frissell, Vega, J. S., Markowitz, E., Gerrard, A. J., Engelke, W. D., Erickson, P. J., Miller, E. S., R. Luetzelschwab, C., and Bortnik, J., High Frequency Communications Response to Solar Activity in September 2017 as Observed by Amateur Radio Networks, in Fall AGU, Washington, DC, 2018.
N. A. Frissell, Vega, J. S., Markowitz, E., Gerrard, A. J., Engelke, W. D., Erickson, P. J., Miller, E. S., R. Luetzelschwab, C., and Bortnik, J., High Frequency Communications Response to Solar Activity in September 2017 as Observed by Amateur Radio Networks, in HamSCI Workshop 2019, Cleveland, OH, 2019.
J. Ackermann, HF Spectrum Playback using Gnuradio (Demonstration), in HamSCI Workshop 2019, Cleveland, OH, 2019.
V. I. Romanek, Frissell, N. A., Joshi, D., Liles, W., Trop, C., Collins, K., and Perry, G., HF Doppler Observations of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances in a WWV Signal Received with a Network of Low-Cost HamSCI Personal Space Weather Stations, in NSF CEDAR (Coupling, Energetics, and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions), Virtual, 2021.
V. I. Romanek, Frissell, N. A., Joshi, D. Raj, Liles, W., Trop, C. C., Collins, K. V., and Perry, G. W., HF Doppler Observations of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances in a WWV Signal Received with a Network of Low-Cost HamSCI Personal Space Weather Stations, in Annual (Summer) Eastern Conference, Virtual, 2021.
V. I. Romanek, Frissell, N. A., Joshi, D. Raj, Liles, W., Trop, C., Collins, K., and Perry, G. W., HF Doppler Observations of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances in the WWV Signal Received with a Network of Low-Cost HamSCI Personal Space Weather Stations, in American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2021.
J. D. Katz, Engelke, W., and Frissell, N. A., The H.A.R.C. Database and Visualization Utilities, in ARRL and TAPR Digital Communications Conference, St. Louis, MO, 2017.
N. A. Frissell, HamSCI – The Ionosphere from your Backyard, in HamCation, Orlando, FL, 2020.
N. A. Frissell, Ackermann, J. R., Dzekevich, J., Earle, G. D., Erickson, P. J., Gerrard, A. J., Gerzoff, R. B., Gunning, S. W., Hirsch, M., Katz, J. D., Kaeppler, S. R., McGwier, R. W., Miller, E. S., Moses, M. L., Perry, G., Reyer, S. E., Shovkoplyas, A., Silver, H. W., Vega, J. S., and Team, R. B. N., HamSCI: The Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation (Banquet Presentation), in NSF CEDAR (Coupling, Energetics, and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions), Keystone, CO, 2017.
N. A. Frissell, Moses, M. L., Earle, G., McGwier, R. W., Miller, E. S., Kaeppler, S. R., H. Silver, W., Ceglia, F., Pascoe, D., Sinanis, N., Smith, P., Williams, R., Shovkoplyas, A., and Gerrard, A. J., HamSCI: The Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation, in Fall 2016 American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, 2016.
N. A. Frissell, Erickson, P. J., Miller, E. S., Liles, W., H. Silver, W., R. Luetzelschwab, C., and Skov, T., HamSCI: Space Weather Operational Resources and Needs of the Amateur Radio Community, in American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2020.
N. A. Frissell, Joshi, D., Romanek, V. I., Collins, K. V., Montare, A., Kazdan, D., Gibbons, J., Engelke, W. D., Atkison, T., Kim, H., Cowling, S. H., McDermott, T. C., Ackermann, J., Witten, D., Madey, J., H. Silver, W., Liles, W., Cerwin, S., Erickson, P. J., Miller, E. S., and Vierinen, J., HamSCI Personal Space Weather Station (PSWS): Architecture and Current Status, in NSF CEDAR (Coupling, Energetics, and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions), Virtual, 2021.
J. S. Vega, Frissell, N. A., Erickson, P. J., and Gerrard, A. J., HamSCI Personal Space Weather Station: A New Tool for Citizen Science Geospace Research, in USNC–URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, 2019.
N. A. Frissell, Cowling, S. H., McDermott, T. C., Ackermann, J., Typinski, D., Engelke, W. D., Larsen, D. R., McGaw, D. G., Kim, H., Witten, II, D. M., Madey, J. M., Collins, K. V., Gibbons, J. C., Kazdan, D., Montare, A., Joshi, D. Raj, Romanek, V. I., Nguyen, C. D., Cerwin, S. A., Liles, W., Rizzo, J. D., Miller, E. S., Vierinen, J., Erickson, P. J., and West, M. Lou, HamSCI Personal Space Weather: Architecture and Applications to Radio Astronomy, in Annual (Summer) Eastern Conference, Virtual, 2021.
H. Kim and Frissell, N. A., HamSCI Magnetometer Network for Space Weather Monitoring, in HamSCI Workshop 2019, Cleveland, OH, 2019.
T. C. McDermott, HamSCI HF Receiver Requirements, in HamSCI Workshop 2019, Cleveland, OH, 2019.
N. A. Frissell, Joshi, D., Collins, K., Montare, A., Kazdan, D., Gibbons, J., Mandal, S., Engelke, W., Atkison, T., Kim, H., Gerrard, A. J., Vega, J. S., Cowling, S. H., McDermott, T. C., Ackermann, J., Witten, D., Silver, H. W., Liles, W., Cerwin, S., Erickson, P. J., and Miller, E. S., HamSCI Distributed Array of Small Instruments Personal Space Weather Station (DASI-PSWS): Architecture and Current Status (Invited), in NSF CEDAR (Coupling, Energetics, and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions), Santa Fe, NM (Virtual), 2020.
K. V. Collins, Frissell, N. A., Erickson, P. J., Brandt, L., MacDonald, E., Black, M., and Perry, G., HamSCI Campaign Co-Design (Panel Discussion), in HamSCI Workshop 2021, Virtual, 2021.
N. A. Frissell, Engelke, W., Katz, J. D., Gunning, S. W., and Vega, J. S., HamSCI and the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse (First Results), in ARRL and TAPR Digital Communications Conference, St. Louis, MO, 2017.
N. A. Frissell, Vega, J. S., Katz, J. D., Gunning, S. W., Gerrard, A. J., Moses, M. L., Earle, G. D., Miller, E. S., Huba, J. D., Hirsch, M., Silver, H. W., Reyer, S. E., Ackermann, J. R., Suhar, M. D., and Bern, D., HamSCI and the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse (Experiment Description), in ARRL and TAPR Digital Communications Conference, St. Louis, MO, 2017.